What a difference a few months can make! As our nation as well as myself sit here in disbelief that this is really happening....in America, it makes me think critically and embrace this experience. There's no time like the present to be PRESENT. There hasn't been a time in my generation where we sit voluntarily to REFLECT on decisions we've made in life, spend real quality time with loved ones, get outside to do some type of physical activity, besides walking to the car, and have an opportunity to just BE. Some of us are reacting to this new reality by staying busy, and some of us are at a loss for words and actions. Both decisions are OK! This is new and for many of us its unchartered territory. The beam of light at the end of the tunnel is in your hands ladies and gentlemen. This time of reflection can allow you to see what we like and don't like about ourselves, our lives. What will you do with this new found knowledge? For myself, it's an opportunity to practice genuinely BEING MYSELF. I'm much happier that way. The longer I create self care habits now, the harder it is to break them when we emerge on the other side of this equation and go back to our "new normal". What are commiting to yourself during this time?
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